
Attachment Begins Before Birth

Attachment Begins Before Birth

In the field of Somatic Pre & Perinatal Psychology we know that attachment begins much earlier than birth, potentially even before conception. Preconception through early infancy is our foundational period of development. Wisdom gathered from within the pre- and...

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Activations and How They Are Triggered

Activations and How They Are Triggered

An activation is when a person, or situation, in the present triggers you into a memory from your past. This activation is happening at the instinctual reptilian brain level, and it is out of your conscious awareness. A smell, taste, touch, felt-sense, emotion,...

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Internal Resources and Why We Need Them

Internal Resources and Why We Need Them

Much of the time we're living our life from perceptions, early imprints and beliefs laid down in the foundational period from preconception to infancy, and early childhood. Imprints are implicit memories from the preconception period through to eary infancy that are...

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Recovering from a Cesarean Section

Recovering from a Cesarean Section

Recovering Emotionally: It is hard when you have been through a long or difficult birth ending in a c-section, and you may even be feeling traumatized by it, and then you are expected to 'get on with it' after a short time. Many women end up reeling through their days...

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How In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Affects Babies and Children

How In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Affects Babies and Children

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) children are some of the most wanted children on the planet. Anyone who has gone through IVF to have a child is a courageous and determined person. IVF gives many couples a chance to have their dream of parenthood come true, and it is a miracle that medical science has found a way to make this happen. Medical procedures often focus on the biological level only, and the emotional/psychological/spiritual aspects of the experience can be neglected. Conception is a powerful and sacred moment, and pregnancy is the cauldron for our life’s deepest, core templates, also influencing our brain and neurological wiring. In my work with IVF families, I attempt to bring the sacred and the practical back together, providing a balanced, integrated approach.

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Email me through my contact form on this site to schedule a free initial phone consult if you: Have read article, or something within my wonderfully informative web site, and you have some questions You're curious about my work or whether it's suitable for you, or for...

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ABORTION – The Mother and the Baby: A Panel with Karen Melton, Julia Acott, & Adela Barcia, April 2009 Assoc. for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) Conference

ABORTION – The Mother and the Baby: A Panel with Karen Melton, Julia Acott, & Adela Barcia, April 2009 Assoc. for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) Conference

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN LISTEN TO A RECORDING OF THIS PANEL IN MY AUDIO SECTION. It begins with Julia, then Adela, and then I am at the end. There are some Q&A at the end. I am happy to answer your questions. I had the great pleasure of residing on a panel at the...

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About Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology

In the 21st century, Somatic Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology's (SPPP) knowledge and understanding of the growing baby's sentient consciousness and sensitive nature has redefined their needs. Opportunities are now available to new parents both before and during...

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Is Heaven a Memory?

Is Heaven a Memory?

There are millions of people all over the world who believe that when they die their Soul will take a journey to another place called Heaven, or known by another name, depending on your culture and religion. Heaven is often portrayed as a wonderful place in which you...

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