Child Birth
The Embrace of Welcome
We are deeply welcomed when a significant other, such as a parent or partner, shares with us their heart-felt happiness that we are here - that we exist – and are wanted. A welcome can impart love, a sense of belonging and a heart-felt welcome from a friend, or even a...
FOR PROFESSIONALS: Core Isolation in Prenates, Babies, Children & Adults
Published in the Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 35(2), Summer 2021 Abstract: Isolation experienced during the foundational period from preconception through early infancy affects core imprinting. Attachment and embodiment issues are central to...
Some Causes of Womb & Birth Trauma
About Womb Trauma Please don’t feel bad if you read the list below and see some experiences that happened to you during your pregnancy. There are many mitigating factors when it comes to assessing the extent to which stress, trauma, or an event has affected you and...
Cesarean Section and A Healthier Model for Birthing
Cesarean section (c-section) is major abdominal surgery used to delivery a baby. It's not always traumatic but just because it is major surgery and often unplanned, birthing moms are usually unprepared for it in addition to giving birth. It can be quite shocking, and...
Recovering from a Cesarean Section
Recovering Emotionally: It is hard when you have been through a long or difficult birth ending in a c-section, and you may even be feeling traumatized by it, and then you are expected to 'get on with it' after a short time. Many women end up reeling through their days...
How to Prepare for a Cesarean Section
I want to give you some great ways that you can be prepared for any kind of c-section. I advocate strongly for mom's to practice Prenatal Attachment parenting because if you have a strong connection with your baby by the time you get to your birthing, you have a good...
This article, found on the birth routes site, is about the damaging affects of pitocin, a drug routinely used by obstetricians in hospital birthing for inductions and augmentation of labor (speeding it up). Pitocin is specifically only approved by the FDA when...
Mom fires OB during birth when threatened with a cesarean!
I found this piece on the Hypnobabies Blog/Hypnosis for Childbirth http://hypnobabies.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/mom-fires-ob-during-birth-when-threatened-with-a-cesarean/ June 1, 2010 I LOVE this birth story, because it shows how moms can be so powerful during their...
Induction of Labor and How it Can Affect Your Baby
Induction is when your doctor starts your labor instead of waiting for it to happen naturally when you and your baby are ready. It's becoming standard practice for obstetricians to induce labor. There is no good medical reason for, or research supporting, this...