The Embrace of Welcome
We are deeply welcomed when a significant other, such as a parent or partner, shares with us their heart-felt happiness that we are here - that we exist – and are wanted. A welcome can impart love, a sense of belonging and a heart-felt welcome from a friend, or even a...
The Soul-Body
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves …. Extract from poem Wild Geese by Mary Oliver Practicing body-centred healing for many...
Attachment Begins Before Birth
In the field of Somatic Pre & Perinatal Psychology we know that attachment begins much earlier than birth, potentially even before conception. Preconception through early infancy is our foundational period of development. Wisdom gathered from within the pre- and...
Are You Parenting An Alpha Child?
Alphas are those children who are “in charge” in some way in the family. They tend to be demanding, bossy, want everything their way, are controlling, and often won’t listen to direction, boundaries or authority. Underneath all of this rather difficult and stressful...
A Newborn Cranial Session: Mia Lands in Her Body
During a home visit to help a newborn I witnessed a beautiful experience of supported embodiment. I see people primarily as souls who are here to have an embodied experience. My work with babies is a combination of cranial sacral therapy and somatic pre and perinatal...
Activations and How They Are Triggered
An activation is when a person, or situation, in the present triggers you into a memory from your past. This activation is happening at the instinctual reptilian brain level, and it is out of your conscious awareness. A smell, taste, touch, felt-sense, emotion,...
Internal Resources and Why We Need Them
Much of the time we're living our life through perceptions, early imprints, and beliefs laid down in the foundational period from preconception to infancy, and early childhood. Imprints are implicit memories that are non-verbal, somatic (physical, energetic,...
FOR PROFESSIONALS: Prenatal Developmental Milestones in Attachment
It’s now acknowledged within mainstream psychology that attachment begins at birth. The cutting edge field of Somatic Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology (SPPP) finds that attachment begins way before birth, a wisdom that is not yet in the mainstream thinking and...
Introduction to Womb & Birth Imprinting
An imprint is a memory, or recording, of an event, experience, or environment, which is stored in both your physical and energy body's - your body-system. Your physical and energy bodies are integral. Imprints are your way of storing experiences, some of which may...
Some Causes of Womb & Birth Trauma
About Womb Trauma Please don’t feel bad if you read the list below and see some experiences that happened to you during your pregnancy. There are many mitigating factors when it comes to assessing the extent to which stress, trauma, or an event has affected you and...
What Is Conscious Early Parenting?
What can you, as individuals and parents, do about the way you are bringing your children in to life, so that they have the best chance at holistic health? One of the core principles of Somatic Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology is that babies are conscious and...
Cesarean Section and A Healthier Model for Birthing
Cesarean section (c-section) is major abdominal surgery used to delivery a baby. It's not always traumatic but just because it is major surgery and often unplanned, birthing moms are usually unprepared for it in addition to giving birth. It can be quite shocking, and...
Recovering from a Cesarean Section
Recovering Emotionally: It is hard when you have been through a long or difficult birth ending in a c-section, and you may even be feeling traumatized by it, and then you are expected to 'get on with it' after a short time. Many women end up reeling through their days...
How to Prepare for a Cesarean Section
I want to give you some great ways that you can be prepared for any kind of c-section. I advocate strongly for mom's to practice Prenatal Attachment parenting because if you have a strong connection with your baby by the time you get to your birthing, you have a good...
How In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Affects Babies and Children
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) children are some of the most wanted children on the planet. Anyone who has gone through IVF to have a child is a courageous and determined person. IVF gives many couples a chance to have their dream of parenthood come true, and it is a miracle that medical science has found a way to make this happen. Medical procedures often focus on the biological level only, and the emotional/psychological/spiritual aspects of the experience can be neglected. Conception is a powerful and sacred moment, and pregnancy is the cauldron for our life’s deepest, core templates, also influencing our brain and neurological wiring. In my work with IVF families, I attempt to bring the sacred and the practical back together, providing a balanced, integrated approach.
This article, found on the birth routes site, is about the damaging affects of pitocin, a drug routinely used by obstetricians in hospital birthing for inductions and augmentation of labor (speeding it up). Pitocin is specifically only approved by the FDA when...
I found this on the Alliance for the Improvement of Maternity Services (AIMS) web site, and I think that it is very important that every birthing family fully understands their rights if choosing labor and birth, or just birth, in hospital. It is also important to...
Pregnancy and Family Dynamics: What It Takes To Get Ready
We had a new baby come into our family in 2002, and I was reminded how much change needs to happen when a little one comes into the family. Everyone has to make space for the new member, both internally and externally within the family roles and dynamics. In birthing...
Mom fires OB during birth when threatened with a cesarean!
I found this piece on the Hypnobabies Blog/Hypnosis for Childbirth http://hypnobabies.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/mom-fires-ob-during-birth-when-threatened-with-a-cesarean/ June 1, 2010 I LOVE this birth story, because it shows how moms can be so powerful during their...
Support for Pelvic Issues after Birth
In France ALL women who have given birth, vaginally or surgically through c-section, are automatically referred to a physical therapist who knows how to work with the pelvic floor. It makes good sense that this would be routine because birthing can leave us with many...
The Vulnerable Prenate by William R. Emerson, Ph.D.
Thanks to William for sharing this chapter of his book with us: Chapter 6: The Aware and Vulnerable Prenate “Woman is the artist of the imagination and the child in the womb is the canvas whereon she painteth her pictures” Paracelsus (1493-1541) Ben was seven years...
Email me through my contact form on this site to schedule a free initial phone consult if you: Have read article, or something within my wonderfully informative web site, and you have some questions You're curious about my work or whether it's suitable for you, or for...
Induction of Labor and How it Can Affect Your Baby
Induction is when your doctor starts your labor instead of waiting for it to happen naturally when you and your baby are ready. It's becoming standard practice for obstetricians to induce labor. There is no good medical reason for, or research supporting, this...
ADOPTION: The Baby’s Experience and Advice for Adoptive Parents
The central principle of Somatic Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology (SPPP) is that we are conscious and sentient from conception onwards. I will share with you here the SPPP perspective on adoption and give you ways that you can ensure your beloved adopted child's...
There are many ways that our children communicate with us before conception. Dreams, visions at the edge of sleep, meeting during meditation or prayer, a sense of a hovering presence, an inner voice, telepathic thoughts/conversations, and even moving physical objects...
ABORTION – The Mother and the Baby: A Panel with Karen Melton, Julia Acott, & Adela Barcia, April 2009 Assoc. for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) Conference
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN LISTEN TO A RECORDING OF THIS PANEL IN MY AUDIO SECTION. It begins with Julia, then Adela, and then I am at the end. There are some Q&A at the end. I am happy to answer your questions. I had the great pleasure of residing on a panel at the...
Prenatal Parenting: Creating a Secure Attachment Before Birth
Unborn baby's are conscious, sentient, and vulnerable. They benefit greatly from gentle, loving connection provided regularly by their parents, especially their mother, from the very beginning of their life - long before birth. Become the parent you already are,...
Wounded In The Womb: The Beginning of My Healing Story
At the age of 23 I had a spontaneous flashback to the womb. Whilst in an altered state of consciousness I was able to perceive myself on many 'out of my daily reality' levels. In the flashback I experienced my mother attempting to abort me, and I had a very familiar...
About Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology
In the 21st century, Somatic Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology's (SPPP) knowledge and understanding of the growing baby's sentient consciousness and sensitive nature has redefined their needs. Opportunities are now available to new parents both before and during...
Is Heaven a Memory?
There are millions of people all over the world who believe that when they die their Soul will take a journey to another place called Heaven, or known by another name, depending on your culture and religion. Heaven is often portrayed as a wonderful place in which you...