by Karen Melton | Aug 6, 2024 | After Birth, Articles, Childbirth, Conscious Early Parenting, Embodiment, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
We are deeply welcomed when a significant other, such as a parent or partner, shares with us their heart-felt happiness that we are here – that we exist – and are wanted. A welcome can impart love, a sense of belonging and a heart-felt welcome from a friend, or...
by Karen Melton | Aug 15, 2018 | After Birth, Articles
During a home visit to help a newborn I witnessed a beautiful experience of supported embodiment. I see people primarily as souls who are here to have an embodied experience. My work with babies is a combination of cranial sacral therapy and somatic pre and perinatal...
by Karen Melton | Nov 16, 2017 | After Birth, Attachment, Childbirth, Early Consciousness, Other, Pregnancy
Published in the Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 35(2), Summer 2021 Abstract: Isolation experienced during the foundational period from preconception through early infancy affects core imprinting. Attachment and embodiment issues are central to...
by Karen Melton | Feb 12, 2010 | After Birth, Articles, Post Natal
In France ALL women who have given birth, vaginally or surgically through c-section, are automatically referred to a physical therapist who knows how to work with the pelvic floor. It makes good sense that this would be routine because birthing can leave us with many...