
How In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Affects Babies and Children

How In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Affects Babies and Children

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) children are some of the most wanted children on the planet. Anyone who has gone through IVF to have a child is a courageous and determined person. IVF gives many couples a chance to have their dream of parenthood come true, and it is a miracle that medical science has found a way to make this happen. Medical procedures often focus on the biological level only, and the emotional/psychological/spiritual aspects of the experience can be neglected. Conception is a powerful and sacred moment, and pregnancy is the cauldron for our life’s deepest, core templates, also influencing our brain and neurological wiring. In my work with IVF families, I attempt to bring the sacred and the practical back together, providing a balanced, integrated approach.

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ABORTION – The Mother and the Baby: A Panel with Karen Melton, Julia Acott, & Adela Barcia, April 2009 Assoc. for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) Conference

ABORTION – The Mother and the Baby: A Panel with Karen Melton, Julia Acott, & Adela Barcia, April 2009 Assoc. for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) Conference

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN LISTEN TO A RECORDING OF THIS PANEL IN MY AUDIO SECTION. It begins with Julia, then Adela, and then I am at the end. There are some Q&A at the end. I am happy to answer your questions. I had the great pleasure of residing on a panel at the...

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