Are You Parenting An Alpha Child?
Alphas are those children who are “in charge” in some way in the family. They tend to be demanding, bossy, want everything their way, are controlling, and often won’t listen to direction, boundaries or authority. Underneath all of this rather difficult and stressful...
I Need A Pause
The photograph above was taken in my office after a Prenatal & Birth Play session with three-year-old Lily and her parents. The blue and green hanging pouch/seat in the picture represents the womb and the cuddly toy, chosen and placed into the pouch by Lily,...
FOR PROFESSIONALS: Core Isolation in Prenates, Babies, Children & Adults
Published in the Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 35(2), Summer 2021 Abstract: Isolation experienced during the foundational period from preconception through early infancy affects core imprinting. Attachment and embodiment issues are central to...
Our Conception-Birth Imprints Can Arise When We Decide to Have A Baby
I frequently observe pre-pregnant, pregnant, and birthing women re-living their own journey into life - their experiences, memories, and imprints from their own conception to newborn period. Re-living and remembering our own early imprints can begin before we conceive...
Activations and How They Are Triggered
An activation is when a person, or situation, in the present triggers you into a memory from your past. This activation is happening at the instinctual reptilian brain level, and it is out of your conscious awareness. A smell, taste, touch, felt-sense, emotion,...
Internal Resources and Why We Need Them
Much of the time we're living our life through perceptions, early imprints, and beliefs laid down in the foundational period from preconception to infancy, and early childhood. Imprints are implicit memories that are non-verbal, somatic (physical, energetic,...
Email me through my contact form on this site to schedule a free initial phone consult if you: Have read article, or something within my wonderfully informative web site, and you have some questions You're curious about my work or whether it's suitable for you, or for...
ADOPTION: The Baby’s Experience and Advice for Adoptive Parents
The central principle of Somatic Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology (SPPP) is that we are conscious and sentient from conception onwards. I will share with you here the SPPP perspective on adoption and give you ways that you can ensure your beloved adopted child's...
Wounded In The Womb: The Beginning of My Healing Story
At the age of 23 I had a spontaneous flashback to the womb. Whilst in an altered state of consciousness I was able to perceive myself on many 'out of my daily reality' levels. In the flashback I experienced my mother attempting to abort me, and I had a very familiar...
About Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology
In the 21st century, Somatic Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology's (SPPP) knowledge and understanding of the growing baby's sentient consciousness and sensitive nature has redefined their needs. Opportunities are now available to new parents both before and during...