McCarty, Wendy, PhD. Welcoming Consciousness
Neufeld, G, PhD. & Mate, Gabor, M.D., Hold On To Your Kids
Herrera, Isa, M.S.PT., C.S.C.S. Ending Female Pain, A Woman’s Manual – this is a great book if you have pelvic problems after birth or after abdominal surgery. It requires a commitment to self care.
Wagner, Marsden, M.D., M.S. a former Obstetrician: Born in the USA: How a Broken Maternity System Must Be Fixed To Put Women and Children First – this is a must read for anyone considering entering into parenthood – I couldn’t put it down! Also by him is Creating Your Birth Plan: The Difinitive Guide to a Safe and Empowering Birth
Chamberlain, David. The Mind of Your Newborn Baby and Windows To The Womb
Hallett, Elisabeth. Soul Trek and Stories of the Unborn Soul
Heinowitz, Jack, Ph.D. Pregnant Fathers – Becoming The Father You Want To Be
Mines, Stephanie, Ph.D. We Are All In Shock – How Overwhelming Experiences Shatter You… And What You Can Do About It
Nathanielsz, Peter W. M.D., Ph.D. Life in the Womb: the Origin of Health and Disease
Noble, Elizabeth. Primal Connections: How our experiences from conception to birth influence our emotions, behavior and health
Odent, Michel. Primal Health: Understanding the critical period between conception and the first birthday
Scaer, Robert C. M.D. The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds & Human Resiliency
Verney, Thomas. Nurturing The Unborn Child – A 9 month program for Soothing, Stimulating and Communicating with Your Baby
England, Pam., Labyrinth of Birth: Creating a Map, Meditation and Rituals for Your Childbearing Year
www.12guidingprinciples-ppn.com This great offering from Wendy Ann McCarty and Marti Glenn provides ready-made brochures and even a power point for people wanting to teach and share about this field of work.
1. Dr. Ray Castellino, www.CastellinoTraining.com
2. Dr. William Emerson, Emerson Training Seminars, www.emersonbirthrx.com – information received in a seminar.
A great resource for those with both curiosity and a desire to read and research, check out the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) www.birthpsychology.com. If you are interested in cutting edge research you can have access to all back journals, with 100’s of great papers from this broad field of psychology. Become an APPPAH member and receive their Journal and Newsletter. Take their Prenatal & Perinatal Educator program to become an educator in this field. There is an enormous amount of information available through this organization and they also have regular conferences at which you may see me presenting.