Cranial Sacral Therapy for Babies, Children and Adults
Cranial Sacral (CS) is a very gentle, non-invasive, fully clothed hands-on therapy. It focuses on our central nervous system, and our energy and fluid bodies, to enhance the health in our system.
Combined with Somatic Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, Energy Healing and Developmental Attachment, CS heals and resolves womb and birth imprints and trauma. This work is available in video sessions.
CS unwinds and settles our nervous system, resolves and integrates trauma and welcomes the soul’s essence into deeper embodiment.
Contact me for my sliding scale. Sessions are one hour. PayPal, Venmo (US) and cards accepted
For a free initial 20-minute Zoom consultation email starbear@sonic.net
Cranial Sacral for Babies:
Babies can have much to share with us about their creation journey. Cranial Sacral supports integration through deep somatic listening, empathy and very gentle touch allowing baby to tell her story and release what is held in her system.
CS helps if your baby is:
- Fussy or colicky
- Having digestive issues
- Crying a lot or crying inconsolably (trauma crying)
- Having feeding or sleeping issues
- Unable to settle
- Uncomfortable in his/her body
- Suffering from stress or trauma
- Grieving a loss (prenatal bereavement, separation after birth, twin loss, etc.)
- Unable to relax and rest deeply
- Disconnected (not attaching fully, not present in their eyes/body)
- Challenged by a stressful womb or birth experience (including medical interventions)
When babies get help early on they can reach their full potential and meet life feeling integrated and embodied, with a regulated nervous system.
Home visits available for newborns in Bristol, UK or if mum is incapacitated and unable to meet in person. This option is suspended during Covid, call me for updates.
Cranial Sacral for Children:
Helps children with:
- Unwinding tension, stress and anxiety and building resources
- Slowing down
- Sleep issues
- Settling the nervous system (unable to be calm, stop or rest deeply)
- Unresolved issues, stress or trauma
- Hyperactivity – (A revved or anxious nervous system, sometimes caused by
- Pitocin, and by womb and birth imprints)
- Feeling ungrounded and off-centre (banging into objects, not finding their feet, scattered energy, unable to focus)
- Difficult or stressful womb or birth experiences (see Family Support: Womb & Birth Play for Children)
Depending on the age of the child and their ability to be still or lay down I may combine CS with play. After a few sessions wiggly younger children may be able to be still for longer periods of time.
Cranial Sacral for Adults:
Helps with:
- Deep relaxation
- Aches and pains
- Unwinding tension, anxiety and stress
- Imprints held in the body that cause discomfort or pain
- Calming your nervous system (shifting away from anxiety and mind loops, etc.)
- Unresolved issues held in the body
- Hyperactivity
- Feeling ungrounded and off-center
- Connecting your body to its inherent health
- Self-care and maintenance
For a free initial 20-minute consultation text/call 07869 174405 (UK +44) or email starbear@sonic.net