Body Centered Healing
Body-centred, gentle, respectful and fully-clothed, this work can include hands-on. Heal and integrate disconnection, isolation and trauma.
Make shifts in emotional and relationship patterns and imprints that no longer serve in the present, so you can feel calmer and more present. Get in charge of yourself!
For a free initial 20-minute consultation text/call (+44) 07869 174405 or email starbear@sonic.net
Cost & Info:
Contact me for my sliding scale. Sessions are one hour. PayPal, Venmo (US) and cards accepted
Worldwide video sessions (In-person sessions will resume in the UK when Covid restrictions are lifted)
Have you lost contact with your Soul Body wisdom?
Integrate body, mind and soul with gentle hands-on healing in which contact is negotiated and respectful. Our Soul Body, and our soul’s journey and purpose, are central to permanent deep change, and health. Transform old beliefs, trauma and pre-verbal imprinting.
Get Help With
- Fears and anxiety
- Disconnection from yourself, others, God/Source
- Hyper-vigilance (on alert)
- Lack of intimacy
- Unexplainable grief or sadness
- Overwhelm in relationships/life
- Feeling spacey or checked out
- Calm and able to rest fully
- Emotionally even and balanced
- Healed, integrated and coherent
- More present, in-charge and in choice
- In touch with yourself and your needs
- Able to practice good self-care dail
Reconnect with your intuition and instincts
We can feel comfortable, at ease, relaxed and centred in our body and benefit from its communications and resources. Sustainable, deep change is possible when the wisdom of our body-mind-soul connection is harnessed and balanced. Many of us are disconnected from ourselves due to trauma, cultural conditioning, our family of origin, or ongoing stress that made it painful or difficult to stay present in our body.
Past emotions, stress and imprints stored in our Soul Body can also manifest physically affecting our health and well-being on all levels. Making felt-sense of the energetic and emotional roots of physical symptoms catalyses shifts in our old patterns and opens us up to the new.
I’m not a licensed or registered psychotherapist and I don’t practice counselling or psychotherapy. I am happy to work with people who are in therapy, although this is not a requirement to work with me. I enjoy collaborating with psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and other practitioners as part of my clients’ support network.
Note: Practitioners and therapists are welcome to contact me to discuss the suitability of referring a client.